Financial Wellness Strategies by Stage
September 9, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT
While the best time to put a financial life plan in place was twenty years ago, the second best time is today. Outside of winning the lottery or receiving a lofty inheritance, most people don’t just wake up one day with a healthy nest egg. It happens over time. It comes with doing the right things – at the right time. Since challenges and opportunities can vary greatly based on stage of life, let’s identify specific behaviors and actions to be taken now, and going forward, to be on (or get back on) a solid path to building or maintaining financial independence.
After This Session, You Will Know:
-Asset allocation considerations overtime
-Savings strategies
-How to use and respect credit
-How to insure what you can’t control
-The importance of compounding financial and career capital
-How to simplify and consolidate
-When to develop a financial plan
-Important aspects of college planning
-Key considerations in long term care planning
-Social Security and Medicare planning nuances
-Different risks to mitigate in retirement
-Where gaps exist in planning your financial future.